: Both harmless robbers with a staggering lack of common sense.He had beaten them up in an alleyway and they wanted to get back at him. That wasn't them being silly klutzes who didn't know what they were doing, the dialogue makes it clear that they did it on purpose. : Isaac and Miria dress up as a priest and a nun as one of their many, many pairs of disguises.

They mean well but, as the narrator points out, most people would consider that things like stealing the Genoard family inheritance so the family wouldn't fight over who gets what as worse than what they've been doing before.

Yeah, no one else quite gets it either.ĭo not link to/lead people towards torrents, proxies, or unofficial. Currently, they're attempting their 'redemption' by going down the Robin Hood path and stealing the ill-gotten gains of. They've also somehow managed to become literally along the way, a feat which even they are unaware of. Their history isn't very well known, seemingly appearing out of the blue a couple of years ago and starting one of the most bizarre crime sprees known to man. Isaac voiced by: (JP), (EN), (EN, ) Miria voiced by: (JP), (EN), (EN, ) Two partners in crime whose hyperactive enthusiasm for their work is only matched by their staggering lack of common sense.